Call title – Sustainable Transport

Closing date – The closing date is February 17th 2017.

Up to £7.2 million is now available through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to develop sustainable transport infrastructure in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

The funding forms part of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Growth Programme, building on Convergence funding to deliver economic regeneration from 2014-2020.

Applicants are invited to propose innovative solutions that will help to create a sustainable transport network in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.  Proposals should demonstrate alignment with local development need and priorities including:

  • Improvements for multi-modal travel and integrated mobility services which might include bike and ride, cycling infrastructure, and cycle ways to connect transport infrastructure.
  • Green infrastructure including walkways and cycles ways.
  • Projects which encourage the adoption of low carbon transport solutions, such as innovative car sharing or other technological solutions.

Proposals that include use of electrical energy should be mindful of the constraints to the electric grid in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly and the associated challenges to the installation of charging points. Applications should therefore provide an innovative approach to their implementation.

Proposals must consider how they will connect to the A30 and other key transport routes, the rail network and current and future employment sites as well as encouraging the take-up of low emission vehicles on the the Isles of Scilly.

Applicants should consider and demonstrate how they are supporting and improving access to, and use of, sustainable forms of transport, in particular given the emphasis expected on linking people to jobs. They should also consider the potential effects of transport interventions on carbon emissions in their locality using the United Kingdom Department for Transport basic carbon tool. A clear emphasis for this Investment Priority will be on sustainable transport.

Applicants need to consider how their projects will address both equality and environmental issues and are encouraged to exceed the minimum requirements. The ITI Board will seek to provide its support to projects that:

Application and Cross Cutting Theme Support

Applicants may wish to take advantage of free information and support services from the Programme Facilitation Team funded through ERDF Technical Assistance.  The support is available to assist the design and development of compliant applications including specialist cross cutting theme support.  The team can be contacted on or call 01872 323248

Call Specification Download

Full details about this funding opportunity and the application process can be found at

European Regional Development Fund

Further information about the European Regional Development Fund can be found at

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Notes to editor

Alex Ledbrooke
Engagement Officer, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly ITI Support Team (European Structural and Investment Funds)

Mobile – 07854 039960
Email –
Website –
Twitter – @GrowthProgramme

Economic Development and Culture
Cornwall Council
Level 5, Zone A
Pydar House
Pydar Street

European Regional Development Fund

The project is receiving up to £7.2m of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020.  The Department for Communities and Local Government is the Managing Authority for ERDF. Established by the European Union ERDF funds help local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations.  For more information visit