The construction of the prestigious Carluddon Technology Park and Employment Space for Advanced Manufacture (ESAM) formally began in St Austell today, March 7th.  Representatives from the project’s partnership gathered at the site to the north of St Austell to celebrate the occasion by “breaking the ground” on the construction phase of the project.

This transformational project is supported by a £6.2m investment from the European Regional Development Fund, part of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Growth Programme.  The Technology Park and ESAM on the outskirts of St Austell will attract high value businesses and create skilled jobs that will be a catalyst for new opportunities in Cornwall.

ESAM will have the capacity to provide space and business support services for up to 32 advanced manufacturing and low carbon environmental goods and service sector businesses with the potential to create up to 75 high skilled jobs by 2023.

On completion, which is expected in late 2018, the Carluddon Technology Park will provide the capacity and infrastructure for the development of up to 8,500m2 of high quality workspace.  It will be developed within the heart of the Eco-Communities Initiative just four miles from the Eden Project, on a site adjoining the recently completed ERDF funded A391 Carluddon Road Improvement.

Julian German, Cornwall Council’s Portfolio Holder for Economy said, “I’m really pleased we have secured this crucial investment.  The Carluddon Technology Park meets the local demand for high quality employment space and creates an opportunity to grow our economy.  This is hugely positive for St Austell and Cornwall and paves the way for a prosperous future for our residents.”

Chris Couch from Kier Construction added, “We are delighted to be involved in this prestigious project which will hugely benefit local employment in St Austell and the surrounding area. Throughout the build programme we will be working with the local community, project partners and schools to provide work placement and apprenticeship opportunities, on site, as part of our commitment to the National Skills Academy. We very much hope these placements will inspire future generations to see the STEM career opportunities available for them right here in Cornwall.”

Andrew Williams, Local Enterprise Partnership Board member said, “This partnership sees the beginning of an exciting development meeting the demands of local businesses and residents to work within the low carbon and advanced manufacture sector.  By working together we enable the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership to further deliver on its Strategic Economic Plan to create high value employment and skills opportunities in Cornwall.”

John Hodkin representing Imerys and Eco-Bos said, “We’re pleased to be a part of the team which has enabled the project.  We have been involved in this project from the start and donated the land for both this and the A391 improvement as part of our on-going commitment to the regeneration of the Mid Cornwall area.”

Councillor Matthew Luke, Cornwall Council, Member for Penwithick and Boscoppa Division said, “It is fantastic to see a new generation of industrial facilities available to the St Austell area which will support the growth of business and future jobs opportunities in the Clay Communities.  It’s a great opportunity for young people in Cornwall to have a career in new green technologies as we capitalise on this exciting growth sector.”

Small or Medium Sized Enterprises interested in locating in the new state of the art facilities are encouraged to come forward at this early stage of the project. The Council is also keen to hear from organisations interested in developing proposals for the wider Technology Park.  All enquiries should be directed to Greg Slater, Economic Development Commissioning Officer by email to


Please credit Simon Burt Photography

  • Carluddon Tech Park_Cutting the turf 01 – Project partnership representatives breaking the ground at the Carluddon Technology Park site
  • Carluddon Tech Park_Cutting the turf 02 – Cornwall Council Project Commissioning Officer celebrates the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Growth Programme backed Carluddon Technology Park
  • Carluddon Tech Park_Cutting the turf 03 – John Hodkin (left) representing EcoBos and Imerys and, Andrew Williams (right) representing the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership break the ground at Carluddon Technology Park
  • Carluddon Tech Park_Cutting the turf 04 – Andrew Williams representing the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership breaks the ground at Carluddon Technology Park


Notes to Editors

European Regional Development Fund
The project is receiving up to £6,237,825.00 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Department for Communities and Local Government (and in London the intermediate body Greater London Authority) is the Managing Authority for European Regional Development Fund. Established by the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations. For more information visit

A391 Carluddon Road Improvement
The A391 Carluddon Road Improvement project was part financed by the European Regional Development Fund Programme 2007 to 2013. The Department for Communities and Local Government was the managing authority for this previous European Regional Development Fund Programme, which was one of the funds established by the European Commission to help local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects that would support local businesses and create jobs. For more information visit

BREEAM is the world’s leading sustainability assessment method for masterplanning projects, infrastructure and buildings. BREEAM inspires developers and creators to excel, innovate and make effective use of resources. The focus on sustainable value and efficiency makes BREEAM certified developments attractive property investments and generates sustainable environments that enhance the well-being of the people who live and work in them.

For further information please contact Alex Ledbrooke, Engagement Officer, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly ITI Support Team (European Structural and Investment Funds)
Mobile – 07854 039960, Tel – 01872 322693, Email –

Website –

Twitter – @GrowthProgramme


Economic Development and Culture

Cornwall Council

Level 5, Zone A
Pydar House

Pydar Street
